A first post I think I'll keep

I wanted to make a first blog-post that contains all the markdown elements I might use, for testing. But I thought why not make this a bit more personal. The challenge is to write this post about why I'm making my website and a little bit about me in the next 20 minutes as my test document!


Nobody ever drowned in his own sweat. - Ann Landers

The Who

So my name's Tim. I'm, at the time of writing this, 22 and living in Bristol. I'm originally from South Wales ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ท๓ ฌ๓ ณ๓ ฟ. I graduated from the University of Bristol a month ago.

My Interests (In no particular order):

  • Food
    • Mainly in Bristol
  • Design
  • Tech
  • Guitar
  • Formula 1

The What

What I'm up to

I'm mainly working on this website at present, with hopes to talk about a variety of topics soon. If you want to keep up to date with everything I'm doing, I'll make my RSS feed work soon and I'll try to use twitter more ๐Ÿ˜….

I'm starting as a graduate developer at Graphcore soon which is exciting!

What This Website Is For

This website, for me, is going to be a tool. I want to use it to express opinions I feel are worth sharing. I also want to make content that is helpful for others but I constantly doubt my ability to do so. I hope this passes with time ๐Ÿคž. I think a large portion of my writing will be related to...

  1. The work I'm interested in enough to bring to your attention
  2. Anything that I come across that brings my enough joy/discomfort to feel the need to discuss

That is vague for sure. A couple of examples of what I plan to write about are: Poplar, Working with Gatsby and React, Food In Bristol, Understanding F1 statistics.

The Where

I'm writing this from a sofa! But the sofa is in Bristol, where I'll also plan to be most of the time. This city is a gem and consider myself very lucky that I get to stay. look at this lovely picture of Cabot Tower: Cabot Tower

The When

Yikes, so the when isn't great; Summer 2020. Depending on how much worse this turns out, that sentence might not age well.

I also just realised that for this to be a good test document I'm going to need some code blocks damn.

When are you planning to write more

SoonTM I hope

The Why

To start off, I wanted to make a website for professional reasons. It's useful to have a professional presence online so that others can find out a bit about you and consider chucking oppurtunities your way. I'm starting as a graduate developer at Graphcore soon and I would like somewhere to point my collegues to show what I care about.

Writing to me is also important. I'm not great at it but the point of this is to improve. Heres an example of something else that could be improved:

if (flag) {
  return true
} else {
  return false


You could inline that code anyway as return flag ? true : false or the best solution return flag

The End

That's it! Think I managed to fit in everything I wanted to for testing. haha just kidding here's a table

Badso bad
Badcouldn't even come up with
Bada way to incorporate a table

ยฉ Tim Roderick, 2020 Sitemap